Thursday, December 10, 2009

Series of Unfortunate Events

Much like Lemony Snicket's, Hunter has found himself in a series of unfortunate events. First it was an allergic reaction to the dog which left him with hives and itchy eyes but nothing a little antihistamine couldn't fix. We let Bella in the house for only a few hours. Both were having such a great time and Hunter even walked to the dog on several occasions...I guess she is just more interesting than us.

Next it was getting stuck in the chair. Now that one we still cannot figure out but it took unscrewing the brace on the recliner in order to get him unstuck. It was truly a Kodak moment!


SarahJane said...

Ha Ha! The poor guy. So fun to hear that he *walked* to Bella though.

Unknown said...

Oh poor little guy! Makes for an interesting day though, I bet!